Who we are ?
Power-Tec EPC CompanyPower-Tec EPC Company is a dynamic force in providing technical services required to support the rapidly expanding economies of Egypt and other Arabian countries.
Actual business activity for Power-Tec EPC commenced for the extra high voltage power systems service provider.
The Power-Tec Overhaul Crew was formed and rapidly expanded into both electrical and mechanical engineering services.
Service facility expanded into one of the largest and most comprehensive repair facilities of its kind in the Area.

Why Us ?
Our BusinessIn today’s rapidly changing and exceptionally competitive environment you have to meet day in day out various challenging requirements, which are strongly dictated by economical terms.
You operate in fields, where you have to achieve the highest plant availability and efficiency in order to generate profitable value to the society. Furthermore, new technologies push every bit to the envelope and you are facing the challenge of operating and maintaining more complex components, of working on new advanced materials and of handling complicated procedures, all under fearsome time pressure.
We at Power-Tec EPC fully understand your challenges and our in depth knowledge and expertise built on our service heritage of successful track record in providing professional services in the field of energy and industrial applications, makes us one of the most competent and versatile as well as most responsive service organizations in your region, next to your plants and applications.
But, we do not stop here. We constantly invest in our facilities and in our people and we leverage our strong Research & Development as well as our world class. Furthermore, we continuously improve our work processes and procedures, in order to deliver the highest standards of service quality to you. We are taking all possible steps to make Power-Tec your source of exceptional service solutions and to make your equipments run better than the one of the others.
So, if you are facing a challenge, please contact us, let us have an open dialogue and tell us about your requirements and needs. We are here to support you like a partner. A partner who can make your business more successful and be assured that none of us at Power-Tec will rest until we achieve this.